Volunteer Norma celebrates 15 years at Juniper Bethshan - Juniper
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Volunteer Norma celebrates 15 years at Juniper Bethshan

From pushing the ‘Lolly Trolly’ to running the social group, performing at church services and bringing in floral arrangements, Norma Hersy’s dedication as a volunteer at Juniper Bethshan Residential Aged Care Home for the past 15 years hasn’t gone unnoticed.

So much so that our Bethshan staff and residents recently decided to throw Norma a surprise party!

Much to Norma’s delight, she was overwhelmed with emotion when she was gifted flowers and presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for her 15 years of volunteering.

The team also arranged for some special guests, Daphne and Murray, to provide some musical entertainment at Norma’s party – which included performing the music that was played at her wedding many years ago.

“We’d like to thank Norma for all she does for us. She gives so much to us here at Bethshan and is always kind, generous, compassionate and fun,” Juniper Bethshan Therapy Assistant Sharon Haeusler said.

“We appreciate all she does, from her days doing the Lolly trolly, running the Friends of Bethshan Society, performing Uniting Church services and bringing flowers once a week to brighten up our building.

“She always has time for a chat and a laugh with our residents and is a good friend to all.”

From everyone here at Juniper, we want to extend a big THANK YOU to Norma for brightening up our residents’ lives!

"(Norma) gives so much to us here at Bethshan and is always kind, generous, compassionate and fun."