The sky's the limit for Dawn - Juniper
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The sky’s the limit for Dawn

There’s no greater motivator than an overseas holiday to get back on your feet after a spate of unfortunate accidents, just ask Dawn Bullock.

After spending more than six months in hospital in 2023, Dawn wanted nothing more than to be back in her own home doing the things she loved, like volunteering and planning her next international adventure.

Now, thanks to the support of Juniper’s Transition Care Program (TCP), she has regained her independence and is packing for an upcoming trip back to her native England.

“If I have to go to hospital, I want to be in and out as quickly as possible,” said Dawn, who turns 67 in June. “I can get quite depressed in hospital and I just want to be home.”

After shattering her ankle when she fell into her pool in early 2023, Dawn’s misfortunes continued in October when she fractured her left arm and hip after slipping on a wet floor at home while feeding her dog.

She was admitted to Armadale Hospital before being transferred to Royal Perth Hospital and then Bentley Health Services for ongoing rehab.

From there she was transferred to TCP at Juniper Hayloft for six weeks further recovery.

TCP provides short term care for up to 12 weeks for those needing additional support at the end of a hospital visit. The goal-oriented program is designed to help people transition from hospital to home and can include medical, social and therapy support along with personal care, domestic assistance and transport to and from medical appointments.

“The support workers were absolutely brilliant,” Dawn enthused. “My physio wanted me to get out of the wheelchair as quickly as possible and get me standing so I could go home and that’s just what happened.”

Once home, Dawn spent five weeks under the watchful eye of her Juniper physiotherapist, Kyle Ho, and was visited by a Juniper nurse and Juniper occupational therapist Ariya Pinnagoda, who made the house accessible and identified any trip hazards.

“My goal was to get in the shower, go to the toilet and be able to walk safely around the house,” said Dawn, who lives with her brother-in-law Brian and sister-in-law Gia. “I’m now fully independent and have pretty much resumed my normal routine.”

Once back from her overseas trip to visit family and friends, Dawn is keen to resume her volunteer work as a guide at Fiona Stanley Hospital, which she had only just started before she herself was hospitalised.

“One of the things I really loved about the role was getting around and meeting people,” she said. “I found it really rewarding and I’m hoping to get back there soon.”

Find out more about Juniper’s Transition Care Program here