Past and Present accountants believe success comes from teamwork - Juniper
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Past and Present accountants believe success comes from teamwork

For 86-year-old Ena Phillips, the thought of working in accounts nowadays sounds a lot simpler.

“When I worked in accounts we had to add everything up in our heads. We had no computers, no calculators, nothing. We all had to be very switched on, and our colleagues always had to double check our work,” Ena said.

“Today, everything is controlled by technology. I am not sure how people would go having to add everything up in their head.”

Ena fell into accounts department after getting her first job in an office as an office junior, and when asked what her greatest career achievement was, Ena said she had two.

“My two biggest career achievements are working in a big account’s office and being a mum. They both held very high importance in my life.”

Ena now lives at Juniper Riverslea Residential Aged Care Home and believes the secret to a happy life is to love where you work.

“You spend a lot of time at work, you need to become friends with your workplace and work as a team. Make your colleagues your family and you will never feel like you’re working a day in your life again.”

Adriana Ieritano, Juniper Senior Account also believes teamwork plays a big part in her role.

“Working as a team to achieve our goals and being able to assist management with strategic decisions brings me joy as an accountant,” Adriana said.

Adriana joined Juniper in 2021 and says her greatest career achievement is completing her Chartered Accountant registration which allowed her to gain the experience and qualifications to manage a team.

“I enjoy mentoring my team and seeing them develop their skill set. I believe accountants need good teamwork qualities, be determined, resilient, honest, and hardworking to be successful.”

When asked what her favourite piece of life advice is, Adriana said it is to have courage and be kind.