National Reconciliation Week: Now More Than Ever - Juniper
Our Stories

National Reconciliation Week: Now More Than Ever

It was a week of reflection and solidarity across our Juniper sites as many of our staff and customers came together to acknowledge National Reconciliation Week.

This year’s theme, Now More Than Ever, calls on Australians to continue the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people beyond key awareness events like National Reconciliation Week.

At Juniper Central, staff came together for a morning tea event, which kicked off with two lively performances by Wadumbah Noongar Dance Group.

One dance, which mimicked a mob of young Aboriginal men hunting for fish, saw the performers interact with the audience, while the second dance was a reenactment of ‘spirit warriors’ rising from the fire.

Following the dance performances, staff were encouraged to contribute to Juniper’s Growing Tree artwork by placing their handprint on the branches.

The concept behind this interactive activity is that ‘many hands make light work’ as we walk towards the path of reconciliation alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Staff also enjoyed thick slices of damper provided by bushtukka catering group, All Good Grub, alongside a selection of spreads including quandong and finger lime jams from Australian Native Food Co.

Reflecting on his personal journey with reconciliation, Juniper CEO Russell Bricknell encouraged staff to gain a better understanding of what it means.

He also reiterated the importance of listening to First Nations voices and stories so that we can all walk towards a more just, equitable future for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Wadumbah Noongar Dance Group performed for staff at Juniper Central in Balcatta.

"Staff were encouraged to contribute to Juniper’s Growing Tree artwork by placing their handprint on the branches."

At our Juniper Hillcrest Residential Aged Care Home in Geraldton, residents engaged in a range of activities inspired by National Reconciliation Week, including painting, yarning and learning a new dance.

Residents at Juniper Hillcrest in Geraldton engaged in interactive activities for National Reconciliation Week.

Staff and residents at Juniper Ella Williams in Noranda came together to have a yarn about National Reconciliation Week over a delicious themed lunch and also connected with First Nations culture through interactive art sessions.