Mara makes golden oldies a hit - Juniper
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Mara makes golden oldies a hit

Self-proclaimed “chatterbox” and golden oldie music aficionado Mara is using a lifetime of talents to bring the community radio experience to her fellow residents at Juniper Korumup Residential Aged Care Home. 

Mara has launched her own community radio for residents, scheduling a weekly slot beside the fireplace at the visitors lounge to play her selection of golden oldies from a box of 45 records. 

“I’m music mad,” she explains, regularly peppering the conversation with the who’s who of songs from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. “I play the music but next week I might introduce a bit of gossip, interview one of the residents about their life, and talk about the stories behind the music – tidbits about the music as you go along” she says. 

Mara isn’t short on stories and she’s got the experience to back up her newest venture. She spent several years on Albany Community Radio presenting a breakfast show then “mouldy oldies” on Saturday afternoons. 

“That’s more or less where I started. It was great, it was fun. When I used to walk down the street listeners would say ‘Mara, it’s wonder you are still there, you sail close to the wind’.” 

And Mara certainly hasn’t lost that naughty streak, which she brings with zeal to Korumup. 

Mara and the record player and records she uses for her Community Radio at Korumup.

Mara started life in Bavaria, Germany, coming to Australia as a six-year-old. She now calls herself an Albanite, having lived in the Great Southern city for 55 years. She spent 28 of those years working behind the counter at Albany Hydraulics.  

One of her favourite stories was when a young Ross Ryan, then an Albany local before he went on to become a music legend – including his hit single “I am Pegasus” – came to sit with her and a group of friends at the pub. 

As well as Ross Ryan, Mara plays for other residents the likes of Wanda Jackson “Let’s Have A Party”, and Christie Allen “He’s My Number One”. 

We can’t wait to see what Mara plays next as she brings her passion and stories to Korumup. 

Mara in action.