Juniper welcomes Aged Care Taskforce Report, calls for collaborative action to ensure sustainable sector - Juniper
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Juniper welcomes Aged Care Taskforce Report, calls for collaborative action to ensure sustainable sector

Juniper has welcomed the release of the Aged Care Taskforce Report as a step towards creating a more sustainable aged care sector. The report represents a piece of the puzzle in ongoing efforts to reform aged care and ensure equitable access to high-quality care for all Australians.

Juniper CEO Russell Bricknell emphasised the report was important in guiding necessary reforms within the aged care sector.

“The report is a crucial step towards building a financially sustainable aged care system where every older Australian can receive the care they deserve,” said Mr Bricknell.

The report comes alongside reforms already underway, including the introduction of the new Aged Care Act set to commence on July 1, reforms to Home Care, ongoing Fair Work Commission cases, and a reset of the regulatory framework. Juniper acknowledged the importance of these reforms in improving the quality of service delivery across the sector.

“As we embrace these changes, we remain committed to working collaboratively with the government, and fellow providers to ensure a sustainable future where every individual receives the dignity and support, they deserve.”

Mr Bricknell also highlighted concerns regarding the availability of Home Care Packages, pointing to the significant increase in waitlists due to the release of fewer packages in the current financial year.

“Older Australians want to stay at home, yet the current Home Care system is unable to meet demand. We call on the government to urgently allocate funding for 40,000 additional Home Care packages in the upcoming Federal Budget,” said Mr Bricknell.

In partnership with UnitingCare Australia, Juniper advocates for a future where every individual has equal access to high-quality aged care, regardless of their financial circumstances.

“This approach ensures fairness and transparency and empowers individuals with choice and control over their aged care journey,” said Mr Bricknell.

In addition to the recommendations, Juniper would like to see Federal and State governments broaden the scope to include affordable housing.

“Ensuring fair access to aged care services for all older Australians is paramount. We urge the Federal government to collaborate with State Governments and aged care providers to address housing and homelessness issues facing older Australians. Affordable housing options are essential to easing the longer-term impacts on the wider community,” said Mr Bricknell.

Juniper remains committed to working collaboratively with government and industry stakeholders to support meaningful change within the aged care sector. The organisation calls on the Government to respond to the Taskforce Report promptly and release the financial chapter of the new Act to further advance reform efforts.