Juniper launches refreshed Vision, Mission, and Values - Juniper
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Juniper launches refreshed Vision, Mission, and Values

Building on our 70-plus years’ history in Western Australia, we took the opportunity to refresh our Vision, Mission, and Values to ensure Juniper reflects the needs and expectations of the community we serve.

Juniper’s Vision, Mission, and Values are both aspirational and a guide to what we want to achieve as an organisation, how we will do that, and how we will behave on a day-to-day basis.

It is an exciting time for everyone at Juniper as we work to embed these and as we continue to add value to the communities in which we operate.


A life well lived.


To provide excellent care, accommodation, and support services for older Western Australians.


Welcome – We are kind and caring.

We are gracious to one another, fostering connection among all who are involved in Juniper, while respecting independence and choice.

Respect – We put people first.

At Juniper, we believe every person matters and will be treated with respect, compassion, and dignity.

Compassion – We listen to understand.

We listen first, making sure people are comfortable sharing all feedback and know they have a voice that is heard, understood, and responded to.

Hope – We make the most of life.

We support people to get the best out of each day, individually and as a community.

Courage – We pursue excellence.

We are bold in our creative thinking, agile in our response to change and strive for excellence in all we do

We live our values

What makes Juniper such an amazing place is that our staff and volunteers are driven by our values each and every day.

Our values are the foundation of who we are and how we choose to deliver the very important and highest quality services to the residents, clients and families who have come to trust and partner with us.

Our values are embedded in the truly wonderful positive culture we embody and the welcoming and respectful way we treat each other.