International Nurses Day: Meet Tracey Scott - Juniper
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International Nurses Day: Meet Tracey Scott

On International Nurses Day, we want to celebrate the incredible nurses who deliver compassionate, quality care to residents and clients across our Juniper community.

This year’s theme, Our Nurses, Our Future, aims to shine light on nurses and on a brighter future – moving nurses from invisible to invaluable in the eyes of policymakers, the public and all those who make decisions affecting the delivery and funding of health care.

Meet Tracey Scott, one of our passionate Registered Nurses who works at our Juniper Sarah Hardey Residential Aged Care Home in Kelmscott.

Pursuing her passion for nursing turned out to be a welcome career change for Tracey Scott.

Having put her career aspirations on the backburner while raising her children, it wasn’t until 2020 that Tracey decided to enrol in nursing at Curtin University after some gentle encouragement from her daughter.

“Nursing has always been a passion of mine,” she said.

“When my daughter said she was enrolling to study nursing, she suggested that we do it together, so I thought, ‘Why not’.

“There was also a bit of healthy competition, but it was more of a fun exercise for both of us.

“We both understood what was going on, so when there were stressful assignments or exams, we supported each other.”

Tracey’s first experience in Aged Care was during her student placement at Juniper Sarah Hardey.

It was here that she realised how much of an impact she could have on the lives of residents, where she could not only engage and build connections but help them to live a quality life.

“Aged Care is very different to what it’s like working on a ward,” she said.

“I wanted to work in aged care because I want to show compassion and care for older people so they can live their best life. To be able to do that as your job, I think there’s nothing more beautiful than that.”

Graduating as a Registered Nurse in early 2023, Tracey now works at Juniper Sarah Hardey, where she has built many special connections with residents.

For Tracey, one of the most rewarding aspects of her job is knowing she has made a difference in someone’s life each day.

“Sometimes you see residents and you haven’t necessarily done anything clinically, but you’re acknowledging the resident and you’re making them smile just by saying hello or listening to them,” she said.  “And it’s a great feeling to know that you’ve made their day.”

When the opportunity arose to join Juniper’s 12-month Transition to Practice Program, Tracey jumped at the chance to further her learning, skills and confidence as a nurse working in aged care.

“It’s been a great experience because I get the opportunity to learn more about working in aged care and build my skills as a nurse,” she said.

Not many people have the emotional resilience to work in palliative care, but for Tracey, supporting people in their final days would be an honour.

“I think it’s the most beautiful thing to be able to support someone in their final days,” Tracey said.

“If I can be there with them, and take away their fear of dying alone, I think it’s so special.

“I really want to work in palliative care, that’s my passion. I think that’s where I’ll gravitate after I finish the program.”