Hilltop's Colleen celebrates 30 years at Juniper - Juniper
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Hilltop’s Colleen celebrates 30 years at Juniper

It was 1994 when Colleen Stuhr started as a carer at Juniper Hilltop Residential Aged Care Home in Bentley.

Much has changed since then, but one thing has remained the same – Colleen’s smile is as big as the day she first walked through the doors.

Now a supervisor, Colleen plays a huge part at Hilltop and is adored by all the residents who describe her as “hard working, loving and happy to be here every day”.

To celebrate Colleen’s milestone 30 years with Juniper, staff and residents held a morning tea in her honour!

What an incredible achievement. Thank you, Colleen, for all your hard work over the past three decades.

We appreciate everything you do.