COVID-19 Update February 2022 - Juniper
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COVID-19 Update February 2022

COVID-19 Update 

10 February 2022

Juniper continues to manage Cygnet COVID cases

Another six cases of COVID-19 have today been confirmed at Juniper’s Cygnet Residential Aged Care Facility in Bentley.

Five residents and one staff member have recorded COVID positive results after testing was conducted at the site yesterday. This is in addition to the resident and staff member who tested positive on Wednesday.

Juniper is managing the situation with support from WA Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health. The facility remains closed to all visitors for the time being.

“Obviously the news of additional cases is of concern for our residents, their families, staff and volunteers,” Juniper Chief Executive Officer Mr Chris Hall said. “I want to reassure everyone that we are continuing to work hard to protect and care for all residents and staff.

With the support of the Commonwealth, we are increasing our workforce, including nurses and care staff, to provide general support to residents by enabling greater contact with their loved ones.

WA Health is continuing to provide support to Juniper with contact tracing.

“While this is a challenging time, I am confident we are well prepared for the situation we now find ourselves in. We have been planning for this for many months and we have taken note of lessons learned from our Eastern States counterparts.”

Mr Hall said staff had been in contact with immediate family and representatives of residents and will be working with them to ensure they maintain connections with their loved ones.

For all COVID-19 information please go to our dedicated COVID-19 Update page


Media Contact: Keryn McKinnon, Hunter Communications –0484 777 007



9 February 2022

Juniper responds to COVID positive cases at Bentley facility

Two cases of COVID-19 have today been confirmed at Juniper’s Cygnet Residential Aged Care Facility in Bentley.

A resident was tested after showing COVID-19 symptoms and after the positive result, is now in isolation at the facility. This afternoon a staff member has also tested positive.

The facility is currently closed to all visitors, and we are actively working to ensure both residents and staff are receiving appropriate care.

Juniper is working closely with WA Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health to ensure the outbreak is contained and to support contact tracing teams.

“We want to reassure everyone that we are working tirelessly to protect our residents and staff and volunteers,” Juniper Chief Executive Officer Mr Chris Hall said. “Their health and safety is our priority. The majority of residents and staff are triple vaccinated.

“We have implemented health measures at the multi-purpose facility that balance care and compassion with protection and caution.

“While visitor restrictions are in place we will be working closely with residents, their families and representatives to maintain alternative connections, such as via video phone calls and on social media.”

Mr Hall said Juniper had strong infection controls in place and was working closely with WA Health and following its procedures and protocols to ensure the latest infection control measures were in place and that staff had adequate supplies of personal protective equipment.

For all COVID-19 information please go to our dedicated COVID-19 Update page


Media Contact: Keryn McKinnon, Hunter Communications –0484 777 007
